For the last 10 years, Warm the Streets has called attention to the issue of homelessness, put a face to the issue, and engaged hundreds of volunteers in the distribution of thousands of blankets and PPE during the coldest time of year to the second largest homeless population in the nation.
Warm the Streets starts with small acts of compassion to reach the unhoused and unsupported, building trust and creating pathways to healthy living and independence.
This year we are increasing our service, impact, and reach by extending the event to three days.
November 8-9, 2024
Warm the Streets starts with small acts of compassion to reach the unhoused and unsupported, building trust and creating pathways to healthy living and independence.
This year we are increasing our service, impact, and reach by extending the event to three days.
November 8-9, 2024
Join our staff and volunteer teams as we come together to spread warmth, love, and caring to our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. Our goal is to distribute 10,000 blankets over 2 days. Sign up here to volunteer for one or both two days.
Learn more about our being a Warm the Streets event sponsor.
All event sponsors will be featured in a press release announcing their generous support and work towards ending homelessness.
All event sponsors will be featured in a press release announcing their generous support and work towards ending homelessness.