Programs and Services Overview

The programs are culturally and age relevant, asset based, and trauma informed. Each element of the curriculum is based on lived experience,
best demonstrated practices in the field, and input from community partners in their respective areas of expertise.
Interim Housing
ASF provides interim housing from three sites located in South Los Angeles. We have 78 beds available for individuals and families looking for a safe, sober, and supportive environment from which they can work to free themselves by circumventing the barriers that typically prevent homeless and justice impacted individuals from securing self-sufficiency.
Re-entry: Vital Documents
Participants receive supportive services and advocacy designed to help remove barriers/obtain vital documents required to secure employment: birth certificate, ID/Driver’s license, Social security card, child support orders, warrants, SR-21/22, tattoo removal. ASF partners with the Los Angeles County Clerk, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Social Security Administration, insurance companies, and traffic courts to implement the program.
Life Skills Management Program
Life skills management program designed to provide participants with social and emotional skills to cope with stress, anger, fear, and uncertainty. The program fosters positive cognitive development skills by teaching participants: critical thinking, time management, organizational management, financial management (budgeting, saving, banking, etc.) goal setting, prioritizing, self-nurturing skills. Nutrition/diet, exercise, managing a home.
Self Efficacy
A Change in Mindset Program
An evidence/asset-based approach proven to reduce substance use/abuse, aggression and violence, participants receive trauma-informed counseling (peer, group, 1-on-1) designed to identify, neutralize, destigmatize and eradicate/heal the trauma, remove the shame, guilt, and self-destructive patterns/behaviors that perpetuate cycles and restore self-confidence and the belief that they are worthy and can accomplish the goals set for themselves.
Career Exploration and
Preparation Program
Vocation/entrepreneur/career exploration and preparation program designed to lead to stable, long-term living wage employment: job readiness/job prep/job retention training. Soft skills (listening, communication, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, etc.); Hard skills (interviewing techniques, resume development, completing applications, business attire, etc.) Entrepreneurial businesses (start up, business essentials, compliance, etc.). Retention (navigating the (work environment, rules of engagement, coping skills, politics, social/team interactions, etc.)


ASF works with partners in mental health, substance abuse and education to connect participants to the specific programs and services that support their individual path to self-sufficiency.
Substance Use Disorder Program
Using effective treatment approaches for drug abuse and addiction, licensed therapists provide behavioral counseling, medication, medical devices and applications used to treat withdrawal symptoms or deliver skills, training, evaluation and treatment for co-occurring mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Participation in Alcoholics Anonymous, outpatient services, sober living (Facility), long-term follow-up to prevent relapse.
Mental Health
Supportive Services Program
Provides cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy, Medicines for mental disorders to make changes to brain chemicals that are involved in emotions and thought patterns designed to improve symptoms.
Continuing Education
Participant participates in remedial/basic skills program required to secure employment: GED/High School diploma, Degree, Certificate, other educational attainment barriers (i.e. ESL classes).