Volunteers for Warm the Streets
A Step to Freedom’s Warm the Streets 2024: Serving the most vulnerable in South L.A. since 2014
A Step to Freedom’s amazing volunteers are the heart of Warm the Streets.
Since 2014, volunteers have distributed over 10,000 blankets to unhoused individuals and families struggling with economic stability, mental health issues, addiction and self-sufficiency. The energy and passion of our volunteers brought the event to limited resourced communities in Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC.
This year, we are calling for our volunteers to step up once again as we grow the event from one day to three full days of service!
If you would like to join us, sign up here.
We are committed to providing our volunteers with an amazing and inspiring experience that respects the time, talents, and treasure they provide.
9am -3pm
NOVEMBER 9 - Inglewood
Watch our Volunteer Training Video to prepare for the event.
Use our Volunteer Checklist to make sure you have everything you need for the event.